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ombre di luce darkelectro duo

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Ombre leggere

Light Shadows è una band dark electro composta da due persone. Cassandra Vincent e Philip Peters si sono conosciuti in un gruppo punk di breve durata. Scrivono la propria musica e hanno molte influenze di genere, tra cui dark electro, post punk, alternative rock, blues, goth, new wave e EDM.

oggi23 dicembre 2020

Decay Synthwave Darksynth French Artist - Artiste

in attesa


Exploiting the unexplored side of the Synthwave and Darksynth genre, the french artist Decay translates his love for video games and his craziest sci-fi dreams with a rebellious and unique musical approach. Consider his music as the story of a hero against the world, eliminating his antagonists one by one. Wild and uncontrollable. His forward-thinking of the ‘80s synth music will take you to his bold compositions, with energizing beats […]

oggiNovembre 5, 2020

Omegagon Electro Synthwave cyberpunk darkelectro

in attesa


Omegagon grew up around playing shows around Norwich and London in the United Kingdom. Omegagon loves to combine vintage synthesizers and modern sounds to create powerful new musical experiences that often straddle the knife edge between optimistic and melancholy. Omegagon delves into the synthwave | cyberpunk | EBM and 80's style Vangelis/Bladerunner|John Carpenter/Halloween style soundscapes.

oggi25 ottobre 2020

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