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Frigido Musica alternativa Montreal underground

in attesa


A metà tra un film noir e un dancefloor fumoso, il paesaggio sonoro di FRIGID mostra una forte inclinazione per l'underground, l'alternativo, l'oscuro, il seducente e il divino.

oggi13 gennaio 2021

ombre di luce darkelectro duo

in attesa

Ombre leggere

Light Shadows è una band dark electro composta da due persone. Cassandra Vincent e Philip Peters si sono conosciuti in un gruppo punk di breve durata. Scrivono la propria musica e hanno molte influenze di genere, tra cui dark electro, post punk, alternative rock, blues, goth, new wave e EDM.

oggi23 dicembre 2020

Nostalgia Deathstar future Retro Synth Punk Suo

in attesa

Nostalgia Deathstar

We are a duo living 150 miles apart. Just humans and circuits. We are deliberately 1979 electronic post-punk, inspirationally 1980s synth pop, accidentally 1980s darkwave and notionally 1990s electronica. We write cynical love songs; challenges to power; saongs about revolution; songs of cultural unity; songs about digital wisdom; songs about claustrophobia and songs about dead musicians walking the streets as friends electric. We play our generation's blues. We look back […]

oggi19 novembre 2020

infraDEAD Synth retro wave new jersey

in attesa


My brother and I have been metal-heads since we were teens, but in recent years we fell in love with the synthwave community and culture. We wanted to start creating music that bridged the two genera's together, but also incorporated a plethora of influences from goth rock, psychedelic music, and more. We plan on releasing more singles this year and complete our first LP in 2021. Sacred Tongue is our […]

oggi21 ottobre 2020

in attesa

Pulse Park

On compare Pulse Park à Radiohead, Dinosaur Jr., Sonic Youth, Built to Spill et Joy Division. Dans la rythmique percussive de leur guitare, on reconnaît une influence de Wire et, récemment, de The Cure pour ne nommer que ceux-ci. Pulse Park have been compared to Dinosaur Jr, Sonic Youth, Built to Spill, Joy Division... regarding the percussive rhythm guitar there is an influence by Wire and early The Cure... but […]

oggiOttobre 11, 2020

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