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Sudden Waves

hojeNovembro 14, 2020

Sudden Waves Hardcore Montreal Hell for Breakfast

Sudden Waves


Biografia - Biografia

Although relatively new, the band has already shared the stage with notable acts such as Emmure, Counterparts, For The Fallen Dreams, Obey The Brave, Like Moths to Flames with over 35 shows played and counting – they’ve also had the opportunity to fire up the stage at DesBouleaux Fest, Envol & Macadam, Music4Cancer, Montebello Rockfest and Festival d’été de Québec. In 2019, they released a second effort in the form of a 4-track EP called “All We Have Is Now”, that redefined their aggressive and catchy sound and solidified their place in the scene. The EP notably has features with Brendan Murphy from Counterparts on the track “Contender” and Alex Erian from Obey The Brave and Despised Icon on “All We Have Is Now”, showing their versatility and the support they already have from giants in the metalcore scene. 2020 has been a big year for the band, following up the success of their previous Eps with their single “Entertainment” featuring Jayden Panesso from Sylar, garnering over 28K streams on YouTube for the accompanying music video that the guys filmed with their phones while in quarantine! To finish off the year, they’ve teamed up with the Montreal-based record label Hell for Breakfast for their upcoming projects

Escrito por: KracRadio

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