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44 Результати / Сторінка 3 з 5

Andrew Slater singer songwriter folk

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Ендрю Слейтер

Andrew Slater is a singer-songwriter and music minister from Western Pennsylvania. His mission is writing soundtrack of faith. With songs about hope, and songs about life through the highs and lows. Andrew released his debut album "Sunny Morning" in May 2020. Along with writing, he is featured on the album in vocals, guitar, and keys. In December 2020 Andrew released "Silent Night" a folk rendition of the famous centuries old […]

сьогодні7 січня 2021 року

маддісін шале співачка авторка пісень брентфорд онтаріо канада

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Маддісін Шалле

Maddisyn Challe is a 16 year old singer/songwriter from Brantford, Ontario, Canada! Maddisyn has currently released 2 original songs called “My Goodbye” and “She’s Alright”! My Goodbye is about bullying, depression, mental health and suicide awareness. Mental Health Awareness has always been very important to Maddi and as she is apart of the Jack.Org Chapter at her school, Assumption College! Music has always been Maddisyn’s biggest passion! You can find […]

сьогодні6 січня 2021 року

Джон Коен екс-монреальський автор пісень мультиінструменталіст електро-поп експериментатор

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Джон Коен Експериментальний

Джон Коен - монреальський автор пісень та мультиінструменталіст, чиї наелектризовані пісні-розповіді переносять слухачів на омріяні танцполи їхньої свідомості. Його мелодії сягають корінням у замилене електро 90-х і швидко тягнуться до сонячного світла електро-грувів, що трясуть стегнами. Сповнені задумливої відстороненості, знайомої і дивної, з палкою надією стрибнути зі скелі з новеньким парашутом.

сьогодні22 грудня 2020 року

маріанна діссар співачка авторка пісень франція

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Маріанна Діссард

“Quelle richesse, quelle diversité, quelle complexité !" (Le Parisien FR) Sonoran desert noir chanteuse, Thanet-hinged performer, brutally honest author, Marianne Dissard left her home in Tucson, Arizona for a dream boat in England. Her music plays effortlessly with contradictions; tender yet abrasive; melodramatic but vulnerable; comical and heartbreaking. “As urgent as Patti Smith, as indifferent as Nico, and as sexy as Nancy Sinatra.” (Blurt Mag USA) ____ "An eccentric character […]

сьогодні22 грудня 2020 року

El Enigma - студент-медик, який пише пісні англійською мовою

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елЕктронна загадкА

I simply am a medical student and songwriter from Memphis, TN who wanted to share his experience in the form of Spanglish music. I believe that a lot of our cultures are centered around what we hear, and the stories other artists have to tell impact us in various ways. I am not here for the money, but rather to give people a place to listen to good music that […]

сьогодні16 грудня 2020 року

Collin Stanton Composer - Songwriter

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Collin Stanton

I've been playing and composing music since the early 70s. I created a channel and have over 30 original song drafts published there under my name Collin Stanton® under which I also published an eBook. I am an artist, doing my best to serve our truth as a family of life, reliant upon each other. I'm self-taught and may have at least a dozen songs good enough to share with […]

сьогодні16 грудня 2020 року

Sophie Dorsten indie pop singer songwriter Arizona

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Sophie Dorsten

National Recording Artist Sophie Dorsten is an Indie/Pop Singer-Songwriter born and raised in the Phoenix, Arizona area. She has been singing her strong, dynamic sound around the valley and beyond since she was 9 years old. #littleblondegirlbigvoice Sophie has been releasing EP’s and singles since she was 13. Her single “Tomorrow” which she recorded in Nashville, was released in May 2020 and received great reviews. "I wrote this about the […]

сьогодніГрудень 9, 2020

silverbird singer songwriter pop rock folk

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The roots of Silverbird are widespread and lie somewhere between singer-songwriter, rock, folk, pop and heavy metal. From this diversity the band has created a unique style with a high recognition value. Catchy melodies, expressive power and songs with heart and soul are signature features of the band. The lyrics are about dreams, big emotions, about dayly struggle and longings and tell stories from the journey through life. Initially the […]

сьогодні5 грудня 2020 року

Malcolm MacWatt Scottish solo musician

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Malcolm MacWatt

Scottish musician Malcolm MacWatt has already gained recognition for his powerful song-writing. As a solo performer, swapping out his telecaster for an acoustic guitar, his story-telling comes to the fore, often with brutal clarity, writing about love, loss, guilt and loneliness with recurring themes of home, connection and family. By paring songs down to the absolute minimum he allows the lyrics and melodies to take priority. Age 12 and getting […]

сьогодніЛистопад 30, 2020

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