in der Warteschleife

Andrew Slater

todayJanuar 7, 2021


Andrew Slater is a singer-songwriter and music minister from Western Pennsylvania. His mission is writing soundtrack of faith. With songs about hope, and songs about life through the highs and lows. Andrew released his debut album «Sunny Morning» in May 2020. Along with writing, he is featured on the album in vocals, guitar, and keys. In December 2020 Andrew released «Silent Night» a folk rendition of the famous centuries old carol. Andrew is actively recording, check his socials for future releases and events!

Geschrieben von: KracRadio

in der Warteschleife

Andrew Slater

todayJanuar 7, 2021


Andrew Slater is a singer-songwriter and music minister from Western Pennsylvania. His mission is writing soundtrack of faith. With songs about hope, and songs about life through the highs and lows. Andrew released his debut album «Sunny Morning» in May 2020. Along with writing, he is featured on the album in vocals, guitar, and keys. In December 2020 Andrew released «Silent Night» a folk rendition of the famous centuries old carol. Andrew is actively recording, check his socials for future releases and events!

Geschrieben von: KracRadio

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