in der Warteschleife

Ayane Yamazaki

todayApril 9, 2021


Ayane Yamazaki is 22 years old, a Japanese Artist.

“the universe of additive pop with subtle sense and elegant atmosphere and high quality music.”

“Ayane Yamazaki is such a talented artist, she’s so creative.”
ーLefuturewave (THE NETHERLANDS)

”Sparkling city pop and the dreaminess of bedroom music merge“
ーRIFF Magazine (US)

15th December 2020
24th February 2021
No.1on the German indie music chart!

Geschrieben von: KracRadio

in der Warteschleife

Ayane Yamazaki

todayApril 9, 2021


Ayane Yamazaki is 22 years old, a Japanese Artist.

“the universe of additive pop with subtle sense and elegant atmosphere and high quality music.”

“Ayane Yamazaki is such a talented artist, she’s so creative.”
ーLefuturewave (THE NETHERLANDS)

”Sparkling city pop and the dreaminess of bedroom music merge“
ーRIFF Magazine (US)

15th December 2020
24th February 2021
No.1on the German indie music chart!

Geschrieben von: KracRadio

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