in der Warteschleife


todayJanuar 17, 2021


Introspective indie rock from the cold woods of Wisconsin.

(EM)’s music is a strange hybrid of garage rock, post-punk, and shoegaze, with elements of folk and psychedelia. He sings sad songs for the apocalypse. His first four proper solo albums were recorded and released in 2020.

(EM)’s prolific output continues, with multiple releases planned for 2021.

Geschrieben von: KracRadio

in der Warteschleife


todayJanuar 17, 2021


Introspective indie rock from the cold woods of Wisconsin.

(EM)’s music is a strange hybrid of garage rock, post-punk, and shoegaze, with elements of folk and psychedelia. He sings sad songs for the apocalypse. His first four proper solo albums were recorded and released in 2020.

(EM)’s prolific output continues, with multiple releases planned for 2021.

Geschrieben von: KracRadio

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