in der Warteschleife


todayOktober 21, 2020

infraDEAD Synth retro wave new jersey



Biografie - Biography

My brother and I have been metal-heads since we were teens, but in recent years we fell in love with the synthwave community and culture. We wanted to start creating music that bridged the two genera’s together, but also incorporated a plethora of influences from goth rock, psychedelic music, and more. We plan on releasing more singles this year and complete our first LP in 2021.Sacred Tongue is our first fully released single. We are trying to build a futuristic (yet retro) atmosphere to our mix, while also incorporating many elements from other genera’s to the synthetic heart of our song. We hope to bring a refreshing new (yet nostalgic) soundscape to our listeners. The song itself is about many things, but we would rather keep the verbiage and lyrical context to ourselves so that the song can be open to the listeners interpretations.  

Geschrieben von: KracRadio

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