in der Warteschleife

JC Hill

todayMai 18, 2021


Left home at 14 because of a bad homelife, travelled thru-out the south and southwest for over 10 years working odd jobs anywhere I could find one. Gained a deep love for the music of the south. My music comes from the heart & is a direct result from a very rough younger life. It seems this hard start in life has become an immense well to draw on for my music. Now I write about my life then and now and perform everywhere I can……

Geschrieben von: KracRadio

in der Warteschleife

JC Hill

todayMai 18, 2021


Left home at 14 because of a bad homelife, travelled thru-out the south and southwest for over 10 years working odd jobs anywhere I could find one. Gained a deep love for the music of the south. My music comes from the heart & is a direct result from a very rough younger life. It seems this hard start in life has become an immense well to draw on for my music. Now I write about my life then and now and perform everywhere I can……

Geschrieben von: KracRadio

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